Although it seems that the holidays are not the best time to buy Air Jordans they may be the best time to buy them as a gift. This can be the best time to buy a child or a spouse their favorite pair of sneakers or even the latest trends.
One of the features of the early Nikes was that their soles were made with bags of pressurized gas in them. These bags would compress when impact took place then quickly expand back to regular size. A former aerospace engineer helped the company come up with that feature.
The colors of these shoes were white, black and red. There were 7 Jordan symbols on every shoe. That means there were 14 Nike Air Force 1 Ultra Force symbols on these shoes.
The Nike air max Torch 4 is a great running shoe. It is extremely stylish, roomy, comfortable and offers great performance. I decided to choose this shoe based on reviews I had read about on the internet. Many of those reviews pointed to the fact that the Torch series of shoes from Nike were comfortable shoes and most people seemed to love them. Based on that information I purchased my first pair and I have been happy ever since.
Additionally, this shoe can be purchased in more than a dozen different colorways. Colorways that include a Varsity Purple and Carolina Blue. In fact, the Black/White/Varsity Royal is vaguely familiar to one of the most epic Jordan’s ever dropped. The silhouette and color of this particular version of the PIT High Flyer is quite similar to the legendary air jordan 11 “Space Jam”. Does it “pack the punch” of the epic Space Jam?Absolutely not. But this shoe can more than hold its own when held up to the high performance standards that Jordans shoes are measured by.
I suppose the question has to be asked, would God the Father inspire a song so that one day I could take it apart and bring His church a message. The answer is yes, God can even rebuke a prophet with a donkey!
Sneakerheads live in an era in which there are plenty of Jordan shoes for basketball. Each month brings the promise of a dope Jordan drop. If that drop happens to be in a this popular colorway, I am in!